How much time and money does it take to establish a brand in the minds of consumers? Just like creating a brand, importing a brand from abroad, setting it up in Korea, and selling products is like creating another brand. We have been answering that question since the founding of the company. We have a lot of experience in analyzing brands and always thinking about how to approach them to Korean consumers and actually applying them.
We have established Singaporean brand [AROMA TRUFFLE] as the best truffle brand in Korea, and are tweeted on Instagram as the best truffle brand by many stars and influential people. we think it is the result of sweat well combed through not only marketing, but numerous experiences and personal connections in distribution, bold marketing investment and logistics control.
The growth of the company is like making friends. A strong belief and the reward for that belief. Our goal is to "make friends and grow together". Of course, you can argue and squeak with that friend.
If we share trust and vision, the end will always go in the direction we want.
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The best members of each fields
Founder and Principal
After working as a Lux Buyer for 9 years at Hyundai Department Store, one of the top three department stores in Korea, I started to understand market trends by purchasing overseas products with a cosmetic brand manager. Just like the proverb that a thirsty person finds a well, he is a worker who is always thirsty for new brands and ideas.
Used to working for the Ralph Lauren NY for 5 years as a merchandiser in US. Since he came from the state, he owned his private label for 3 years and got into BestMNP as a merchandiser.
Former merchandiser of the immersing retailer called "SAMCHO VILLAGE". As a Marketer and also a merchandiser, She was one of the core person in the group. Now She is developing a new categories and brands from many countries.
Product desginer
Since she graduated from the California Institute of Art, She's been working for the most aggressive start up companies in Korean retail scene. She is building up the brand images and core values. In her hands, your brands can be controlled what you wanted to play in your country.