Brands and Services
We offer you best service and brands
Singapore's leading truffle product brand in the world. Truffle magician who expresses the world's most powerful fragrance. BESTMNP's exclusive distribution in Korea
An Italian premium chocolate and torrone brand who has over 180 years of history from Asti Italy. We launched this brand in 2022. BESTMNP's second exclusive distribution brand in Korea. We are so plesased that we could control this brand in Korean Marktet.
Frantoio di Sant'agata D'oneglia
The finest Italian olive product company in Imperia(North west). The brand has been making finest Taggiascca olive oil since 1827, almost 200 years.
This brand has the record of "Most sales in a min" in Hyundai home-shopping channel in Korea.
The finest Singapore nuts brand. This brand has been working for the field over a decade to build the recipes and product design of the package. The way they roast the beens are unique and conservative. You will feel it right after you taste them.
We supply raw and subsidiary materials needed by the company. In particular, the parts for plastic films and paper materials are specialized.
We offer and export Korean cosmetics and other products, which have recently been spotlighted worldwide, to overseas buyers, and we also import products into Korea through their customers.
Business address
1081, 92, Achasan-ro, Seongdong-gu,
Seoul, Korea(04782)
Main Office
2F, 234, Hyoryung-ro, Seocho-gu, Seoul, Korea(06709)
Tel: +82-70-7799-0206