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Business Channels

Offline - Corporate Distribution

Emart - The largest mart channel in Korea by SSG

GS25 - The largest CVS channel in Korea by GS

The Hyundai - One the largest department store chain in Korea(the other two are SSG, Lotte)

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Offline - Specialty Stores

Wine & More - The largest Liquor store chain in Korea by SSG(29 Stores)

Nice Weather - Emerging Grocery Store(3 Stores)

DIONY - Wine Store chain(8 Stores)

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Offline - Manufacturer

BR - Baskin Robbins Ice-cream franchise 

Paris Baquette - the largest bakery franshise

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Online - Corporate Distribution

Coupang - The largest E-commerce  in Korea

Market Kurly - Premium Food online channel

SSG.COM - Super Online Channel managed by SSG

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Online - Special channel base market

NAVER - the largest portal service web like google

Kakao - the largest messenger service in Korea, Owning a messenger market in the channel

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Online - Corporate point mall

T world - the largest mobile service provider

BMW vantage mall - BMW point market

Interpark biz marktet - Corporate point market

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